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YALDA is a non-profit international organisation that was established in order to create a resourceful networking database for those with a strong interest in Africa. 


Getting to know more about YALDA

YALDA is a non-profit international organisation that was established in order to create a resourceful networking database for those with a strong interest in Africa.

The network is centred around YALDA branches, primarily at African universities, and serves to increase the capacity of youth in Africa to develop positive leadership skills and to espouse an honest work ethic.

A group encouraging youth participation in community work.

YALDA directs youth to information and resources provided by individuals and other organisations to help them develop in their careers and also assist them in developing projects and/ or organisations aimed at making significant and positive social impact across the continent.

A network of extensive human-resources.

YALDA's mission is anchored in the strong desire to achieve development on the African continent through cordial collaboration between youth and professionals. We believe that through the extensive networking and establishment of partnerships between youth and professionals, leaders of today and most importantly of the future will be well groomed for leading development in Africa.

A forum for ground-level, youth-based solutions for Africa.

YALDA is a powerful platform that allows young people to communicate their needs and innovative ideas to each other and directly to professionals and leaders worldwide. At a time when the future of the continent depends on increased collaboration, and especially with the least empowered among them, the youth, YALDA serves to amplify, consolidate, support, train, and present solutions created by young Africans. 

Mission, Vision & Core Values

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“ YALDA is a means to an end, but NOT the end itself ” the Sun brings light and warmth to the plant, but it is up to the plant to make effective use of the sun’s light and other materials in order to grow, mature and develop its fruits; the Sun CANNOT develop fruits for the plant!

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YALDA provides a forum for youth on the African continent and those abroad with a commitment to the welfare of Africa. By networking with professionals, mentors and each other, members will increase their capacity to take on positive leadership roles in their universities, countries and on the continent. Through YALDA, members will implement their short and long-term visions for Africa.

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YALDA envisions an international network of inspired, empowered and proactive young African leaders who hold influential decision-making positions, are running their own organizations or companies, culminating in a prosperous and developed African continent.

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All members shall embody the following YALDA core values by being: Compassionate, Ambitious, and Proactive while displaying Integrity, Commitment, Professionalism and Solidarity, and striving for Excellence in all they do.

The YALDA Core Values are defined as follows

  • Compassionate: members will have a deep heartfelt concern for the development of the continent and its people.
  • Ambitious: members will have a strong desire to achieve development in Africa and be willing to work diligently to realize the YALDA vision.
  • Proactive: members will anticipate and address issues and challenges that they may encounter while striving to achieve the goals and objectives of YALDA.
  • Integrity: members will promote sound moral and ethical principles that will uphold the YALDA vision.
  • Commitment: members will engage and commit to activities that will attract youth in the continent to embrace the YALDA vision.
  • Professionalism: members will employ exceptional working standards also maintaining desirable African norms and cultures while implementing the stated goals and objectives of YALDA.
  • Solidarity: members will continue to nurture their alliances and networks to accomplish the YALDA vision.
  • Excellence: members will ensure that they attain distinction and maintain exceptional quality performance in all their activities and initiatives.


Kgosietsile II Matthews Mmopi

International Chairperson

Rehbeh Poubom

International Secretary

Bitania Lulu Berhanu

Branches Coordinator

Charles A. Mokuolu

Chief Financial Officer


Leadia Okorie